Protecting Forests and Planting Millions of Trees Tabilo are partnering with Ripple Africa with a promise to plant a tree for every Sales Order that you, our customers, place. Ripple Africa is a charity registered in both the UK and the USA, working to improve the...
Blog categories
Why you need breakout areas
A breakout area describes any space open for employees or visitors, separate from their usual
working area.
What makes a good faux leather?
If you are anything like me, when it comes to choosing good quality faux leather, the excessive amounts of facts, certifications, rules, figures, tests and regulations being thrown at you is somewhat overwhelming, when all you simply require is a good quality faux...
What are the benefits of a break-out area and why are they so popular?
It is becoming increasingly popular and commonplace to include a break-out area within theworkspace. You spend as many of your waking hours at work as at home and the average workeris sat down for the majority of this time. Therefore it’s becoming increasingly...
We’ve been busy photographing our range of products
We’ve been busy photographing our range of products. If you would like access to our image bank Click Here
How many people can you sit around a table?
This is a question we get asked for time and time again, so we thought we would spend some time to provide some answers for you. There are several things to consider, but here are some general rules of thumb when considering how many people to sit around a table....
SM France
Tabilo is proud to announce we are now selling SM France tops from stock. SM is a 30 year in the making company well known around the world with a wide range of quality, classy finishes and constantly renewed design products. Today their ambition is reflected in a...
What is sitting too much doing to us?
The standing desk craze that you keep hearing about is actually based on a substantial body of work from the researcher Dr. James Levine of the Mayo Clinic who has a statistic to share: in the US, the average person spends more than half of our waking hour sitting...
We have recently added a limited availability special offer section to our popular Dropbox link
We have recently added a limited availability special offer section to our popular Dropbox link. We hope that the stock will be of assistance in helping you generate business or maybe as alternatives when price is the main factor for your customer without compromising...
Tabilo offers colour coordinated tables with a contrasting edge
Tabilo offers colour coordinated tables with a contrasting edge. Our service allows you to get our tabletops (MFC and Laminate), with a contrast edge,as opposed to the standard edging (matching coloured edge). See example below: To see examples of some of...
We quite often get asked by customers what the difference between our MFC and laminate (MDF) table tops is, so below is a bit of an explanation that will hopefully explain this. Premium laminate is high quality heavy grade suitable for contract use. Manufactured in...