It is becoming increasingly popular and commonplace to include a break-out area within the
workspace. You spend as many of your waking hours at work as at home and the average worker
is sat down for the majority of this time. Therefore it’s becoming increasingly important for a
separate space for your workers to take a break.
So, what is a break-out area?
In a nutshell, a break out area is any area that is open to employees that is separate from their usual
working area. It can double up as a canteen or, somewhere to meet visitors or clients.
Here are the main benefits of investing in a break-out space for your workers:
1) Increase creativity
The break-out area can double as a brainstorming or informal meeting area, especially if there are
bar or poseur height tables. Research shows introverts share more ideas and are more open verbally
when standing at a bar height table! Some of the best ideas come from impromptu conversations or
2) Increases productivity
It might seem counter intuitive that being away from your workstation can increase your
productivity, but what’s more effective: a worker who has had a break, or a worker who has been
working all day?
It is suggested by HSE to have a short frequent break for 5-10 minutes every 50-60 minutes, or 20
minutes every 3 hours especially if working in front of screens.
Having an effective break-out area can help reduce eye strain and increase energy levels, thereby
increasing productivity.
3) Increased social factory and team cohesion
Most of our working day can be consumed with work and barely any time to talk to colleagues at all.
4) Increased wellness and decreased stress
Noted earlier about the potential for eye strain, long working periods without a break can lead to
increased stress levels. Stress is accountable for a lot of sick leave and long term is damaging for
your business.
Having a break-out area has numerous benefits, too many to ignore. Ultimately, employees reap the
benefits, which in turn employers reap as well. So, if you haven’t already, why not introduce a break-
out area for your company?